Here's another little project that's just been completed.
A tribute to one of the great motorcycle racers of my childhood. Wayne Gardner.
In 1991 Kyosho released the updated RC motorcycle they had been working on and I bought one as Honda NSR were in my blood. 32 years later, that RC bike is still here. Rather than renovate and restore it to original condition I thought I'd rather leave it as it is and make a newer version. With some added tongue-in-cheek of course.
Wayne is now 63 and obviously long retired from MotoGP. So I opted for a 3 wheeler for him, retirement spec. It couldn't not be in his livery though so I used a repro sticker sheet from the 1991 model to decorate this, the Tamiya T3-01 Dancing Rider.
I couldn't just leave it standard either, could I.. So:
Custom modelled and 3D printed rear wheels.
3D printed disk brakes and exhaust silencers.
3D printed belly pan.
Brushless motor.
Custom made stickers + repros.
It's a very quirky model, steering is a lot of flip-flopping about, you can be sure of a big grin when running this about.
The T3-01 has been discontinued, so if you want one for a fun project, you better snap one up quick.
Better still, I posted the following images on Instagram and the man himself, Wayne Gardner liked and commented on them too!
Just another example of a custom project that can be build for you.
Do you have a dream RC project, or a crazy idea you would like built?
Contact me.